The Volunteer Search And Rescue Team (“VSAR”) is being established to assist the New Hampshire Fish & Game in searches for missing people in Southern and Central New Hampshire. This real world SAR mission benefits the safety of the inhabitants of New Hampshire, and exercises common tasks in communication, orienteering and first aid. This organization is open to the Soldiers, Airmen, and Retirees of the New Hampshire National Guard. NHNG already has an enduring partnership with the NH Fish & Game; historically, NHNG has provided aircraft to assist in SAR in the White Mountains. The NHNG VSAR Team provides NHF&G with additional volunteer personnel and individual equipment to enhance ground SAR operations throughout New Hampshire.

NHF&G responds to an average of 190 SAR missions statewide in a given year, and about 20 of those missions are in the southern and central regions of the State. 62% of SAR missions are for hikers and climbers, 11% for lost hunters, anglers, boaters and OHRV operators, 14% are mental illness/walkaways/runaways, 7% were drowning/swimming related and about 7% were other situations. The nine SAR clubs that NHF&G calls on for support in these missions are located in the White Mountains region, where the vast majority of hiker and climber SAR events occur. NHF&G requesting assistance from these groups to drive to southern regions puts additional burden on unpaid civilian volunteer rescuers to travel greater distances, and a longer wait for the victim as SAR assets gather to conduct a search. The majority of NHNG personnel are located in the southern and central regions of the state of New Hampshire, and in a position to support NHF&G with additional volunteer personnel who can respond to SAR missions faster than teams traveling from other regions of the state.

The VSAR Team will meet quarterly for a variety of relevant training and hikes. Classes will include Wilderness First Aid, Winter Survival, Line and Hasty Searches, Orienteering, DOMOPS Radio Communications, Use of SKED and Litters, and Patient Care. Instructors will be from various state agencies, professional organizations, emergency services, and the NHNG.

When a Soldier or Airman applies to the VSAR team, VSAR leadership will reach back to their unit to verify that they are a service member in good standing and able to physically participate on the VSAR Team. We ask that arrangements be made for your Soldier or Airman to be in a status for the quarterly training events. A drill UTA, additional AT day, or an RMP period would all be sufficient, and are at the discretion of the unit. An annual training plan will be published so units can forecast these training events.

Actual missions are in an unpaid, voluntary status while on a standing order. M-day Soldiers and Airmen may participate in any mission that they are available for. Full-Time National Guard and Technicians must coordinate with their supervisors to attend any events during duty hours. Soldiers and Airmen will be on a team made of NHNG officers and NCO’s from across the state, working alongside civilian volunteers and emergency services, supporting the people of New Hampshire .